Al-IHSSANE 2018-10-02T19:14:00+00:00


Arabic & Coran School

Latest News

1809, 2018

École AL IHSANE – Inscriptions 2018/2019

École AL IHSANE: La mosquée d’Aylmer aimerait vous annoncer la fusion de l’école d’arabe de fin de semaine AL IHSANE et l’école de coran durant la semaine AL HODA.   Le nom de la nouvelle école sera: École Al-Ihsane de Coran et de langue Arabe مدرسة الاحسان لتحفيظ القرآن وتعليم [...]

2105, 2018

Fête de fin d’année scolaire

l'École Al-Ihsane célébrera la fête de fin d'année scolaire 2017/2018 le samedi 2 juin 2018 de 10h00 à 13h00, 100 Frank Robinson. Il y aura des activités amusantes tels que: peinture de voiture jeux de carnaval courses pizza gâteaux popcorne barbe à papa distribution des certificats prises de photos   [...]

1404, 2018

méga vente de garage

L’École Al-Ihsane organisera une méga vente de garage dans le but de financer ses prochaines activités parascolaires et aussi pour réduire davantage son déficit budgétaire. A cette fin, la direction de l’école ainsi que le comité des parents vous prient de donner généreusement des articles qui peuvent intéresser les autres [...]

2507, 2017

Al-Ihssane School Registration 2017

The Mosque of Aylmer is pleased to announce that the registration has started for AL-Ihssane Arabic School for the year 2017/2018. The new this year is the pre-registration on the web site of the mosque; you are invited to complete and submit the form bellow with your child informations, [...]

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Below is a list of classes held by AL-IHSANE School

Arabic and Islamic School for children (age 5 to 14)

Focus on teaching the Arabic language, Islamic etiquette (for younger students), and Islamic sciences (for older students). Sessions are held in a rented high school facility every Saturday from September to June. Each session lasts 5 hours (9AM to 2PM).

Quran sessions for children (age 5 to 14)

Dedicated to Quran memorization and Tajweed. These sessions are held, in the Mosque of Aylmer at 21 Park Street, Aylmer, QC, J9H 4J6, Canada, twice a week in the evening (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6h00PM to 8h00PM) from September to June.

Quran sessions for Muslim adult Women

Dedicated to Quran memorization and Tajweed. These sessions are held, in the Mosque of Aylmer at 21 Park Street, Aylmer, QC, J9H 4J6, Canada, every Sunday morning. They are held throughout the year including summer.

Islamic education sessions for male youths (age 10 to 18)

Focus on Islamic sciences including Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Aqidah (Islamic Faith), Sira (biography of the Prophet Muhammed Peace Be Upon Him), Hadith (words of tthe Prophet Muhammed Peace Be Upon Him), etc… These sessions are held, in the Mosque of Aylmer at 21 Park Street, Aylmer, QC, J9H 4J6, Canada, every Sunday morning. They are held throughout the year including summer.

Islamic education sessions for female youths (age 10 to 18)

Which focus on Islamic sciences including Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Aqidah (Islamic Faith), Sira (biography of the Prophet Muhammed Peace Be Upon Him), Hadith (words of tthe Prophet Muhammed Peace Be Upon Him), etc… These sessions are held, in the Mosque of Aylmer at 21 Park Street, Aylmer, QC, J9H 4J6, Canada, every Sunday morning. They are held throughout the year including summer.


  • 819-684-9299

  • Mr. Said Berrada: 819-962-8982
  • Western Quebec Career Center
    100 Frank Robinson
    Aylmer (Gatineau) Quebec
    J9H 4A6