Quran Sciences

The course of Quran sciences
by Cheikh Myloud Tajri

One of the great means for the Muslim to be honored and seek closeness to Allah is to study the Book of Allah, the Quran. Quran sciences refer to all the sciences,
or branches of learning, whose subject of study is the Quran. The aim of this course is to provide the student with an overview of the main branches of Quran
sciences and tracking the efforts of the Oulama of this Ummah in gathering understanding and interpreting the meanings of the Quran.

Lecture Description
First lecture: 

Introduction to Quran sciences

The objective is to give an overview on Quran sciences.

During this lecture we will study:

  • The definition of Quran and Quran sciences
  • The benefits of studying Quran sciences
  • The history of Quran sciences
Second lecture: 

Revelation of Quran

The objective is to have a general view on the revelation of the Quran.

The lecture will focus on:

  • The concept of inspiration and how Quran was revealed
  • The categorization of Quran: Makki and Madani
  • The causes of revelation
Third lecture:
Introduction to the science of exegeses (Altafsir)
The purpose is to have an idea about this great science and to respect the guiding and the efforts made by ancestors in this field

  • Historical overview about the Exegeses
  • Schools of Exegeses
  • Language and the Exegeses
Fourth lecture:
Introduction to the rules of recitations
The goal of this lecture is to introduce the student to the study of the rules of recitation. Before moving to
study Quran and memorizing it according the Warch version from an authentic way mouth to mouth until
the Prophet peace be upon him, we would like first to have an idea on:

  • The meaning of Qira’ât
  • The history of Qira’ât
  • The 10 authentic Qira’ât
2019-11-20T14:29:54+00:00 November 20th, 2019|